by Mikhail Ryabko
SYSTEMA – a unique Russian Martial Art derived from traditional fighting styles, is a complex combination of combat experience and ancient martial traditions. Different from other contemporary fighting styles with their inherent limitations, Systema teaches practical skills and principles which one can tailor to one’s physical and mental capabilities, as well as life goals.
Mikhail Vasilievich Ryabko – founder of Russian Martial Art SYSTEMA, is a Colonel in the Ministry of Justice, decorated combat veteran, and world-famous martial arts professional, with thousands of students worldwide.
This is an exceptional film. There are no rigidly-outlined methods or dramatized scenarios. This is a living testimonial, and a real-time documentary of the spiritual background of Systema. The Praying Hand is Strong is an inside look at what makes Systema as unique, powerful, and attainable as it is.
See for yourself…
48 min
Support the tradition of strong spirit, profound knowledge, and dedication to training. Be a sponsor or request to be sponsored through Mikhail Ryabko Warrior’s Legacy Scholarship Fund.
Hans Wiemerink –
Ik heb zelf verschillende vechtsporten beoefend en met name Judo.
Systema heb ik zelf niet beoefend. Maar het heeft mijn interesse gekregen via YouTube.
Daar heb ik al veel filmpjes over Systema bekeken.
Wat ik mooi vind aan Systema is de “relatieve”eenvoud waarmee je technieken uitvoert.
Beheerst en kalmte zie ik als kenmerkend voor Systema.
Van mijn beroep ben ik “calamiteiten coördinator” . Daarbij geef ik ook training aan brandweer, politie, ambulance personeel en aan het leger(reservisten) om rampen te bestrijden. Helaas komt het vaak voor dat bij (eerste) hulp bieden aan mensen, omstanders agressief reageren. Kennis over zelfverdediging is voor een hulpverlener daarom,denk ik, noodzakelijk. Zelfbeheersing en beheersing van de situatie en daarbij eventueel een agressor spreekt mij erg aan. Mijn voorkeur gaat dan uit naar Systema. Want ik denk dat je met Systema dat voor elkaar kan krijgen.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Hans Wiemerink
Richard Yagutilov –
Really enjoyed this video. It gives a great story of ht beginning of Systema the origins and deeper meaning of the martial art and the way of life. I highly recommend this video!
Eric Sander Kingston –
Written For A Holy Man, Mikhail Ryabko & Vladimir Vasiliev One day, an old holy man who appeared very frail, came upon a field where many, many warriors lay in defeat. At the bottom of the field, stood someone in the shadows. The old man began to approach this shadowed figure. Then, the shadowy figure said, “I am Fear, stand back old man lest I cast you down among these warriors too.” The old man just smiled and kept walking forward. Fear suddenly stepped forward, and grew very tall and ominous. Yet, the old man just kept walking forward. Fear then threw thunder and lightning down around the old man, creating a dust cloud that covered the sun, but he just kept walking forward. Fear, then shook the ground and trembled the mountains to the point it seemed they would break apart, but this did not stop the old man, for he just kept walking forward. As he walked towards Fear, the old man spoke a simple prayer that melted Fears tensions away… Where there is love There is no fear, no matter how big Its size appears Where there is hope There is no darkness, for no one can put out the Truth of the sun Where there is faith There is no loss, despite what may appear to come apart “Many warriors fell around You,” said the man, “but I understand Your pain.” Then, the old man stood strong face-to-face with Fear and all was silent. Fear then changed It’s face into a great monster, but to this, the old man just stood quietly, for he could see the great agony that Fear was in, and how It longed in It’s heart to return to the Light, but was Itself afraid, hiding in shadows. Then, the bravest of warriors, whom Fear submitted, looked up in great amazement. For they saw that Fear could NOT submit this little old man. Finally, tired from having to create so many ILLUSIONS, Fear asked the man, “What is the secret of your strength?” “Ah,” said the old man gently, “my secret is no secret. For you are Fear and I accept that, but I choose NOT to be afraid and therefore, I do not accept Your generous gift of submission and choose not to surrender my freewill.” Then, the old man placed his hands together in prayer, and keeping his eyes low and his heart high, he transformed the fear in front of him back into Light. Then, the other warriors stood up in prayer, reclaiming their inner power, and bowed to the old man who taught them all that…
George Allen –
“Praying hand is strong” is really excellent, with a very interesting collection of testimonials.