by Mikhail Ryabko
In English, Russian, and Italian.
Did you know that you can control attacks and achieve strike-like effect with just your eyes?
In this film, the legendary Systema founder, Mikhail Ryabko, shows a variety of subtle, professional work:
- Redirecting an attacker using the position of your eyes and body
- Ways to provoke or to dissipate a conflict by way of gaze
- Interaction between your eyes and your confidence
- Replacing the attacker’s target with another person
- Looking in the eyes, yet see the entire person
- Using your partner’s fist to punch an attacker
- How to apply a handshake or other simple actions for your safety
- How the 3 segments of the face are related to the 3 sections of the body
- Utilizing the fact that we perceive ourselves from right to left
- The importance of facial expression to diffuse aggression
Find out what quality distinguishes a professional and many other exciting topics in this new Systema film.
Running time: 53 min
Support the tradition of strong spirit, profound knowledge, and dedication to training. Be a sponsor or request to be sponsored through Mikhail Ryabko Warrior’s Legacy Scholarship Fund.
Denis Michele –
EN: this video demonstrates an excellent and subtle work that takes your training to another level and can be useful in various ways in a wide variety of situations. Michael demonstrates several interesting exercises with one or more people that allow you to develop sensitivity and remote control in a rather unconventional way. You will discover how one can develop these particular skills and integrate them into your personal defense concepts, as well as discover a lot about yourself and and others.
IT: in questo video viene dimostrato un’eccellente e sottile lavoro che porta il vostro allenamento ad un nuovo livello e può essere utile in vari modi in un’ampia varietà di situazioni. Mikhail mostra svariati e interessanti esercizi con una o più persone che permettono di sviluppare la sensibilità e il controllo a distanza in modo non convenzionale. Questo seminario aiuta a scoprire come si possono sviluppare queste capacità particolari e ad integrarle nel proprio concetto di difesa personale. Inoltre potrai scoprire molto su te stesso e sugli altri.
RU: на этой пленкѣ продемонстрирована весьма необычная и тонкая работа, которая выводитъ ваше обученіе на новый уровень и можетъ быть полезна въ разныхъ внештатныхъ и непредвидѣнныхъ ситуаціяхъ. Михаилъ демонстрируетъ рядъ интересныхъ упражненій съ однимъ или нѣсколькими людьми, которыя позволяютъ довольно нестандартно развить чувствительность и дистанціонное управленіе. Этотъ семинаръ поможетъ вамъ узнать, какъ можно развить эти особые навыки и интегрировать ихъ въ свою концепцію само-обороны, а также открыть много новаго о себѣ и объ окружающихъ.
Rob Poyton –
This is an area of training / confrontation that is so rarely talked about, yet is extremely important. I’m sure we have all experienced the feeling you get when someone has a strong stare, it can be very intimidating. Mikhail goes way beyond just “looking tough,” though. This film shows many practical ways of using your eyes, not just to dominate but also to subtly influence and control a potential attacker. There is no “magic” involved, this is applied psychology through the filter of Mikhail’s extensive experience. Not to be missed!
Robin G –
Great opportunity to explore more of the subtleties of Systema, increasing the understanding of myself and others. Very interesting and powerful lessons from Mikhail.